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Took a lot longer than I anticipated. I had to go back and smooth out a lot of bumps I created in the back so it becomes as smooth as possible without clipping through the underside meshes.

I decided to go with two versions of the top instead of separating the hoodie like I did with the Kawaii set. Hood down and hood up. This means more slots for whatever you feel like!

The top and the shoes have two colorable section.

As always, coordinate is included with the mod. The coordinate uses one of the default socks.

Slots Used
205 4213 23 Top Servant Cat Top
205 4213 24 Top Servant Cat Top D
215 4213 21 Shoes Sneakers
354 4213 04 ACC Neck Belt Collar

Ver 1.01: Adjusted weights and polygon to better support larger breasts.
Ver 1.1: I have this file, but I don't know what I changed.
Ver 1.11: Fixed some issues with shoulders. Reduced sharp point at crotch, can't easily be fixed at this time.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!2A12FSZA!byTGkyIoUnRl40N-W1AhiGrSJyyltPM8tP-jqg3bbHg
Alt:   https://ux.getuploader.com/KoramaAnte/download/139 



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