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The belt around the waist isn't dynamic. There was no way around it unless you really want it to clip through the skirt!

For a DoA set of clothes, the textures aren't really hot. There's even some seams that I can't resolve.
It's no wonder the vanilla clothes are so basic, they want you to buy the DLCs!

The hardest part is not the skirt, however, it's the shirt. The cloth that goes around the shirt... so this is the best I can do without destroying everything in the process. I made a huge mistake once, which resulted in having to redo the top.

Required Mods:

ID's Used
205 4213 20 Top Cos 07 Top
215 4213 18 Shoes Short Belted Boots
206 4213 10 Bot Belted Skirt
212 4213 08 Gloves Laced Fingerless Gloves
354 4213 03 ACC Neck Heart Necklace

Password fixed.
Version info:
Fixed list entry. This should fix an issue causing the accessory to not appear in the listings. Seems to be random.

DL Link:
Alt Link:  https://ux.getuploader.com/KoramaAnte/download/130
PW: koko




I think the password seems to be incorrect. Dunno if its my end tried it 6 times though.