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Hi patrons, i'm here to inform you about some changes that i'm going to make next month regarding drawing requests, these changes will be:

- Bronce patrons can't make a drawing request any more

- Silver patrons will be able to make only a request in sketch now

- Platinum patrons will be able to make only a request in inking now

- The name of the tier Golden patrons will change to Adamantium patrons

- There will a new tier with the name Golden patrons, this tier will be only to ask for color drawings

As you can see, i've only moved all drawing requests one level, this is because i've improved the quality of my drawing and i want to have a competitive price on the markup of the illustration.

I know this may upset some of you and i don't want you to be discouraged from continuing to support me, everything i do is to keep improving and to be able to give you the best quality that i can offer you, i hope you continue to enjoy my content, and i don't want to leave without first thanking you for all your support, you are the ones who make this project come true and i'm very happy for that, really thank you very much.