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Sorry for the delay in updates and posts I spent the last two weeks in and out of the hospital after a car accident. At this point I'm okay in all the important ways, just still having some pains. I'm in the US, so we'll see how laughable the bill is in a few weeks no doubt...

Current Short Term Goals

1.) VR version fixed for Index (as well as others), but the 'universal VR' frameworks are anything but universal. Huge pain in the ass when all I have is a Rift. 

2.) Expand the FPS player controller to have all weapons available and working in the current system and start tweaking/improving character ragdoll rigs.

3.) "Bhael Inc HR Dept: Downsizing" - Release a mini game on Gumroad to help with bills that will no doubt be crushing (a discount or free voucher depending on your level here). While I was in the hospital I could code, but nothing else, so I worked on a shooting range system with NPCs instead of paper targets. I made a custom character controller from scratch that saves a ton of performance over full NPC character behaviors/combat/etc. I may even be able to make it mobile friendly in the long run. Full disclosure: to help with bills, I'm going to be DLC-style expanding the game with new NPCs (your level here WILL count toward those, just havent figured it all out yet). 

Lastly, I wanted to remind people that I am ONE person with a family and a job as an educator that I take deadly serious (meaning way more than 40 hour weeks). While out, I received a few messages that were disheartening to say the least. I put whatever spare time I can into this (and WAY too much money). At the risk of putting too fine a point on it: even at the highest level of patronage, you're getting my labor and love for fractions of a penny per hour invested. If you're reading this, you aren't likely to be the one to need to hear this as I have taken S's advice and nixed their support permanently - not at all worth it for a passion project I started for us. 

If this rant about boundaries troubles you, either you're reading into it too much or you needed to hear it - if you want to treat me like your employee, I am open to negotiation of contract opening at $95,000/year with benefits and retirement. Dead serious.

For the rest of you - I love you so goddamn much. :D


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