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These four will be the NPCs I start with and focus on. Each has their 'foundation' complete and are ready for ragdoll setup, animation, and character code. 

Far left: Syrene, Kerosene Queen lieutenant 

Mid left (red dress): Nicole, Bhael Inc. VP of Public Relations

Center: Magdalena, Iceni leader

Right: Amberly, Civilian Accountant

Also, for anyone who didn't see the Faction breakdown so far:

Bhael Inc. [Bail or Bay-uhl] - Medical and military R&D, very secretive. Most employees are combat trained and make up one of the largest private armies known to exist in the city. Usually required to wear black and red due to some corporate nonce thinking it looks neat.

Police - Incredibly corrupt government-run gang of psychopaths save for a few very rare instances who usually end up dead, having fallen down a flight of stairs onto 94 bullets

Valkyr [Val-keer] - low level gang, protection racketeering and thuggery, competent but largely seen as inferior despite recent victories against other gangs

Lux Syndicate - glamor girls, sadistic and secretive murderer gang, nearly universally psychopathic and feared

Kerosene Queens - Goths, raiders, mercenaries if the price is right, love fire and renown for their aggression

Sirens - Union or gang of sex workers, entertainers, dancers, singers, mainly protective of own, largely left alone by other gangs and generally thought highly of

Iceni [eye-see-nee] - Goth-Shamanistic gang, vengeful and bent on wiping out the Kerosene Queens as well as the Police after the murder of their previous leaders, very territorial, intelligent, and extremely calculating despite their love of primitive symbolism and attire.

Gothique [goth-eek] - Glam goths, drug manufacturing, neutral to most. Kills police and Lux Syndicate on sight. Grudge against Bhael Inc after losing territory to the Bhael Inc headquarters and losing nearly half their number in the ensuing (now cold) war.

Lonely Roses - Group (gang) of ex-gangers, mercenaries, nerds, and couples sworn to protect each other at all costs, largely unknown and small




Love the lore.