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Version 0.0.2 is now available and expands on the FPS build's available NPCs in addition to the below. You MUST unzip/rar the file before running the game. Because of the amount of NPCs with unique meshes, it will decompress to ~30 GB, so make sure you have room. 

Changes for FPS v.0.2:

1.) New larger level to do general testing/fun

2.) Created an NPC wall with pictures so you can choose who to spawn. Shoot the picture to spawn. 

3.) Fixed an issue with necks elongating on ragdolling

4.) Fixed scopes on Sniper Rifle and MG

5.) Tweaked settings for FPS movement (let me know how it goes)

6.) Fixed a number of minor NPC issues

7.) Blood splatter decals added

8.) Added a reload-level button up by the ceiling (look for a circuit-board thing). This takes a bit for the same reasons listed below (HUGE amount of stuff for the game to load because of the way I did NPC's at first). I will likely replace this with a 'cleanup' script and button that will simply get rid of all loaded NPC's and stuff as it will likely make this level much easier to keep playing if your computer starts to huff and puff. 

Known issues:

1.) It will still take a long time to load, be patient. This has to do with the NPCs and how many I created before knowing that it would be better to create a few 'general' bodies with randomized stuff. Generic NPCs with a few special characters for each area will be a target for 0.0.3 or 0.0.4 and will hopefully help load times drastically. 

2.) Materials for the blood decals need to be tweaked to better show gloss while also not succumbing to "z-fighting" which causes flickering when looking at them.

3.) Performance may stutter when loading an NPC for the first time. Once loaded, they will load faster the next time. This is something I'm looking into for both VR and FPS versions.

4.) Many others we won't go into right now.

Download Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dZZKUfKBUl-W3k4Nqco725M68_pQz9fh/view?usp=sharing




How long does it need to start? "LonelyRosesBeta.exe is not reacting"


Unfortunately this new version won't launch at all for me. The previous one took a while to load up after running it as admin, but this new one still wasn't loading after 15 minutes (went to make food for myself while waiting). It always just locks up and crashes.


Should also note that I have a pretty good gaming PC and just launching this game (even if it's already crashed and not responding) is MAXING out both my memory and the SSD it's on is at 100% whole time. Also the sharedassets file increased to a 28,5GB size, WAY bigger than the 4,2GB size of the first game's sharedassets. This version seems to be even more unstable than the first one.


I think the size is because I added in ALL of the NPCs, and I think I'll have to dial that back a bit, especially the larger file size ones as I think they are tanking it. As for the startup, it took my PC about 5 minutes tops, so something else is going on there. I'll do a check-over of the files and maybe chop out a few NPCs to see if that helps.


Depending on your PC, it shouldn't take more than 8 minutes tops (it will take a while as noted above because I tried to add ALL of the NPC's in to the available characters). Would you mind letting me know your PC specs and how long it takes to load if you run it as administrator? As I put below, I'm going to cut it down a bit and repackage it tonight for you guys :D


I gave it a few more tries and it managed to fully load after 4-5 minutes in one of those tries. I do really like the option of being able to choose characters, I think it works better than the last version. The increased wound / blood effects is very appreciated as well. I noticed some of the ladies took much longer to load in than others (my game would freeze up trying to load some characters after selecting them).


My system: Windows10 Home, x64, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, 4200 MHz, 4 Core(s), 8 logic Processor(s), RAM 32 Gigabyte


That will help shape future builds for sure; thank you! Mind if I ask what video card you are sporting?