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What I'm Doing:

Animation - Now that I've planned everything out I will focus on animating everything.
Voice Acting - I need to send the script over to the VA.

Everything has been laid out for Part 4 from start to finish and the runtime is about 7 minutes.

Part 4 Summary:

Lara wakes up tied next to a tree.
After a small exchange with a familiar face the beasts seemingly awaken and appear to help "condition" Lara against her protests.

One of the pet peeves about Part 3 was how some scenes lingered on.
So for part 4 each scene is about 20-30s and cuts to the next.
The intro is also roughly about 2 minutes though I have to wait on the VA audio to have a more accurate timeframe.

Test Renders:

Some lighting tests.



Nothing peeved me about scene 3 ;)