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So I've begun to setup the Discord; I will begin to send out invite links shortly. As mentioned before it'll be a staggered release for a few weeks so I can make sure it works for everyone.

You'll be able to access W.I.Ps and give feedback on them while also having a place to send over ideas with references etc.
The main W.I.Ps and updates will still be released on Patreon so you can still give feedback that way if you prefer too.

Discord will be under a new £5 tier for new supporters, but for current supporters you'll be given access if you've been active for the last month or voted in the poll.

So don't worry you don't need to increase your pledge if you want access.
An Invite will be sent via DM

New Tier:
£5 Quality Control Tier  

Tier is mainly about anyone who wishes to be more involved with current or future projects and wishes to recieve slightly more content. Previous tiers won't be effected.

Early Access - The final animation will release early to take on feedback. One set of eyes on a project for so long can make you miss things so this should help spot any issues and make any needed changes before a full release.
Project Sneak Peaks - If you're interested in future projects and want to give your opinion on them while also recieving content from those projects.  

For example super early plans/details for Sacred Beasts P4.
It can help me incorparate your ideas onto these projects earlier and better.

There's another reward that im not too sure about, let me know what you think of it, should I include it or not?

Content Pack - I was watching some old animes for studying purposes and noticed some of them come with an Art pack with additional images and pinups, wallpapers and behind the scenes etc.
I have gotten quite a few questions on how I do this or that or if I can release my animation files so I think it might be a nice addition to the releases.

The content pack will release during the following month upon the animations release.

If there's something else you'd prefer let me know and I can adjust it if needed.


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