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Lara Croft: Saga of The Sacred Beasts is in production.

We'll be seeing Lara Croft as she travels to a remote island not known to many people to seek out 4 symbols tied to it's forgotten history.
However, Lara isn't the only one on the Island and what's worse, is something, or someone has their own set of plans for her...

Project Details:
It's going to be a progression based series where Lara goes through more and more complex, extreme circumstances.  I have an idea of what creatures Lara will face in parts 1-3 I'm not too sure what the last animation theme will be.
Depending on how well it does after the 4 animations an additional 5th and 6th will be completed which will act as an epilogue to the island.

What's Completed

Previz (100%) - The animation as been laid out from start to finish
Enviroments (100%) - Enviroments have been updated

What I'm Working On

Script (95%) - Going over one last time to make sure it's perfect
Planning Other Scenes (50%) - figuring out how many scenes there will be

What I'm Doing Next

Working With Voice Actress - Lines need to be recorded before I can start animating.

Animate the intro


The intro currently sits at around 3 minutes (5 including the other portion) this should house all/most of the dialogue which afterwards will be mainly continuous fitness routines.
By the looks of everything this project will end up being about 9+ minutes which gives the fitness to sfw ratio 3:1 atleast.

W.I.P Renders:

Patreon keeps changing it's format and it's annoying...

Torn Top, still needs some work but this is what the top will look like; A few strands and different iterations and it'll be good to go.


Experimenting with blush, I think a few tweaks and it should be good.
I Want to express what's going through Lara's body and what she's feeling without her saying so.

Last shot before Lara is put through her paces, still testing lighting; Hoping to start animating the intro later this week.


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