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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to talk about the experience creating anything for those interested and what it means for other animations.

TLDR: Animations will be shorter, Will upload Roadmap, Lara model updates

Animation Feedback:

To be honest, I'm fairly disappointed with how the animation turned out, alot of it stems from having to cut 4 minutes worth of content out and it really shows.

The catalyst for this is simply the original VA, I don't want to go too much into this but to this day I am yet to receive the voice files from roughly 3 months ago.
If I'm going to create a story, I need the voicelines first so I can understand the mood of the character and for that I kinda need to have a VA that's reliable.

So I've gone with a more experienced VA as a replacement, which I might have mentioned already. She didn't 100% get Lara right but it was a rush job so you can blame it on me. But she did great job with what she had to work with in such a short amount of time and I hope to work with her closer to get Lara closer to my vision.

As for things I cut, I wanted there to be more transistions; In the earlier W.I.Ps you can see Lara get tossed around, cutting from scene to scene is alright but transistions give more shabam but take longer to animate.
I believe I also cut out 2 climax scenes, mainly due to time restraints, during 1 of the DP scenes the fluids wouldn't work right and the boobjob kept crashing.

The plan now is to get Part 2 out by the end of December.


I will be releasing a Roadmap that will give details on what I have planned

An overview of this Roadmap follows

Part 1 Intro into the Sacred Beasts
Part 2 Lara's Masturbation Sequence (December Planned Release)
Part 3 Tentacle Cavern
Part 4 Lara Meets the Beasts
Part 5 Escape Run
Part 6/7 Sacred Beasts.

After Sacred Beasts is finished I plan on merging them all together as sort of a remaster, which means adding content that was cut.

I also have plans to remaster Anubis trials to make more sense continuity wise and with improved animation qaulity.

Roadmap is likely to change, I think I need to focus and grow the patreon if I want to get to Part 6/7. But those are quite far into the project so who knows where I'll be at that point.

Lara Model Updates

So, there are a bunch of things I'd like to update Lara's model with.

Wrinkle system (Feet and Skin)
Face Rig
Detailed Nipples

Probably work on the winkle system first.
There's a few suggestions that have been made which is also why


I want to create a Discord to help out with things like feedback/suggestions etc.

I will open a poll in the next few days about having a discord.
It'll be open to a few of you guys at first, mainly for anyone who wants to help me set it up and check it works properly.

Patreon isn't very useful for quick feedback and this way I can recieve feedback or story/character and lewd aspects of the project as well has tech that can help imrpove my work.

My Thanks

This is my second year doing this and just want to thank you guys for sticking with me, I know I work a bit slower than other artist but hopefuly I can release part 2 at the end of December and end 2022 on a good note.



I'm a fan of The Rope Dude's work, I was looking forward to Lara's Hell part 2 but he moved his work to the project with Triss. Wildeer keeps postponing Gatekeeper part 3. So as a Lara Croft fan I moved to you. Here are some minor notes on LC Sacred Beasts Part 1. Headline Lara Croft. Move the T a little more to the left, it is too far (crof T). Use the hair texture for Lara's bald head as it is in the games. Wildeer didn't use it and Lara is bald under her hair (it can be seen if you use the light on her hair). I wish the scene was less of a clip and more a movie. So penetration, then ejaculation, and then another scene. The penetration could easily be longer and the pace changed, but you are the creator (you have done an amazing job). The creatures might moan in excitement as they penetrate Lara and especially when they ejaculate. Seeing Lara with a cock in her ass is really hot. Are you planning to use a centaur with a giant penis and a nose ring? It would be exciting to see his cum come out of Lara's mouth as he ejaculates in her ass. Keep up your great work.


Correction, not a centaur but a minotaur.


Ah, I see, I was kinda confused because in some scenes she has a bald spot, I will update the model, thank you for that, that's quite useful. There's 2 reasons why it's more clip based, the 3 main sequences were the boobajob, DP and BJ. The boobajob had crashing issues and the BJ was scrapped because of VA delays. The DP stayed in. I plan on making the animations shorter with less poses for future interactions so there are less jumps and less simulations needed. I'm afraid I can't answer your last question ;)


"Wrinkle system (Feet and Skin)" does that mean we will see her feet finally? :D Also look forward to the discord.


Discord sounds a good idea, great way of getting quick feedback from posting WIP or alts, and maybe a step in ultimately growing your Patreon

Firts Lats

I have to say, you did a great job on the animation.. and I'm not easily impressed. :) keep up the great work!