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Boris, Fritz, and Rey discuss the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan and subsequent murder of the anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli at the hands of his police interrogator through the lens of the 2012 historical drama film, Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy (2012 - Romanza di una Strage).

This is The Empire Never Ended, the Antifascist Amerikanski-Balkan podcast about (neo) fascist terror, the (deep) state and the alienation, nihilism and desperation produced by the capitalist system. And how to get rid of all that. Something like that...

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a clash of purple

Borghese was such a pig... He was still using his name to recruit volunteers for Decima MAS to go and die fighting the partisans while at the same time he was convincing the Americans and Brits to take him on as an intelligence asset and save his own skin from a firing squad at the end of the war. In their own way I feel like the Italian fascists were even more wretched than the German Nazis. Like, these guys made a big deal about not being racist, as long as you're a good citizen of the empire then nothing else matters, yadda yadda, and then overnight they implement the Nuremberg Laws and start shipping Italian Jews (including a lot of faithful fascists) off to the death camps, just to suck up to the Germans. Gross.