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Hi guys! 🥰

We hope the start of the new year has been treating you well! We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year and share our goals for 2023 with you.

First and foremost, we want to thank all of our Patrons for their continued support and dedication. Without your help, we wouldn't be able to do what we do. In the past year, we've made some significant strides in growing our community and creating new and exciting content for all of you. However, we realized that keeping up with a steady influx of art was too taxing for Greg. So here are some things that we wanted to communicate for the upcoming year:

First and foremost, we plan to focus on decreasing the amount of content we offer, as it is too much for now, since Greg has to balance Patreon, work and studies. This means that there won't be a monthly finished illustration for the following months (we plan on adding them back when Greg feels like he can add more on his shoulders). You can still expect the monthly sketches to be uploaded, though!

because of that, we plan to spend more time working on our comic, sketching out the following pages and making sure that the whole comic is drafted out. If there is room, we will also continue with lineart and coloring.

In addition to our comic, we also want to focus on building and strengthening our community. This means:

  • We encourage you to come online on our Discord Server, spend some time with Greg while he is online drawing!
  • Greg will try to hold a weekly Surprise Sketch Stream on a weekly basis.
  • We encourage you to make more use of the Mentorship. Whether you need help with correcting your drawings, finding references, improving your process, or exploring new art forms like painting, photography, or video-editing, Greg is here to assist you! Some of you might not know this but he is a licensed art teacher.

Thank you again for your continued support, and here's to a fantastic new year! - Greg & Thomas - ❤


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