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For a while now I have been wanting to make indepth character sheets and I feel like not only now do I have the skills to make them but also I have been taking a break from the comic and I think this is a good way to get back into it ♥




I really enjoy that you carry the green theme throughout his looks, even if it’s just an accent here and there. That’s a great way to visually mark a character. I often do the same with my own…when they’re wearing their shirts at least lol


Green is Jacob's color, so I think it was necessary to carry it on throughout the outfits. I know it's not very realistic but as you said it "marks" a character ♥


I think realism goes out the window when you’re in a world with different anthropomorphic species. XD But to be honest, little things like that are often used in a literary sense to really capture a character’s visual essence. Color play in character design can have resounding effects in storytelling to, so I encourage you to really go at it. You could poke fun at it later too where someone might bring up “Dude, why the green?” XD


YESS they look so good! Jacobs outfits are goals tho