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Most of you might not know this, but I'm a certified art teacher and graphic designer! I can help you with your art and guide you to improve and draw like your favourite artists!

At any time, you can submit your art on our Discord Server and - on a flexible schedule - I will look at your submissions and see how we can improve your art together!

What can you use the mentorship for?

  • Analogue/traditional art advice:
    -> Material, tools, technique.

  • Digital art advice:
    -> Material, tools, technique.

  • Fundamentals of art
    -> Perspective, anatomy, color theory, composition, value, lightning & shadow, ...

  • Your process and challenges
    -> Where are you stuck, how can you streamline your process, ...

  • Graphic Design advice:
    -> Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Premiere Pro

  • Information Design advice:
    -> Communication techniques and information psychology

If you want to improve your art, submit your art on our Discord in the "#Mentorship" channel! ❤️



Madame Tengu

I still need to take advantage of this. Can I request a mini tutorial, or should I submit something specific I’ve drawn for the mentoring I’m curious about?


If you need me for any type of mentorship, make your request in the mentorship channel, and I'll see how qi can help you! You can request a tutorial or something specific, anything you need help with, really!


I need to get back into using this. Especially as I've been drawing more and more