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Whew! Well, aside from even more pickup shifts than I imagined I'd get, I did get an earlier start! >.> Thank goodness, too, because I grossly underestimated how much work some of these page would end up being, in order to get them the way I planned XD

I got pretty far in, but this issue had so much going on that I decided it's best to cut it into two separate parts, the first of which you can see here (including the sketchwork); I'm still starting up the next Boob Camp come March (got the first 3 pages sketched out already), and I'm on track to have the Maid story re-edited and done by the end of next week, so those things are moving fine ^^

I like having stuff DONE-DONE, so I'll still be wrapping up these last pages this month, as well, no worries! It'll be completed in an updated post for everyone! 

On that note, I know I've already said it, but THANKS to every single on of y'all for supporting, even as things slow down a bit with the new job and the wrists troubles. I don't think it'll be some forever deal, but it will be for a little while, to make sure I don't wreck anything XD

Plus, at least I know I can take SOME time and do a better job on what's here! I'm actually pretty proud of a lot of pages here ^^

But YES, thanks again! Y'all are the best T__T





Comic within a comic, nice idea, I appreciate the more dramatic shadows. I wondered what was up when I read part 1. XD


Aight, to be honest, I'm confused by how the story got to this point after where the previous issue left off. However; bumble beeg bumble beeg bumble beeg bumBLE BEEG BUMBLE BEEG BUMBLE BEEEEEEG (and also this sequence is delightfully cheesy)


Oh yeah, I feel you ^^ All will be explained! Hee, yessss, big bulgy goodguy beeeee+