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Down to the wire, but I wanted to squeeze in a few more pages! There was way too much to fit into this month alone, and THEN I lost roughly 9 days to traveling and wrist problems (better now!), but thankfully a decent portion still got done ^^

Part of things was also just figuring out how to pull off the sliiiight changes in touches/coloring that had to be learned, too...but I think I have the process down now!

Enjoy, and let's hope Lucky's ever-growing shadow can keep us cool for the onset of Summer X3





Oh this was so much fun


What an adorable fella Lucky is <3 Great first half bro <3


XD That was fun! I'm curious to see where this goes, outside of the bigness of course. ;3


"We just shrank these things, but they're unstable. They might not stay shrunk. Can we squish 'em while they're small?" "Nah, feed them to the experimental, chimeric bat. It'll be fine." Good thing they went with the correct option!


A: They might release extreme radioactivity when squished, B: They'll combust if incenerated, or C: We get a giant good boi bat =3