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I thought I would be able to get Zoe done today. but I overestimated the time it would take for the blender file. 

SFM files are done. but I would like to release them on the same day. 

other characters are nearing finish.
Isabelle and King K rool.

I put peach on hold for a minor time, buts its being back on track. 

I need to solve the issue with Midna. With uploading. I'm thinking maybe Pixiv. but I would need ot update her just a bit more. 

So here is an writen update.
Kindred, wolf, teemo(a Commission), and Addmeidstary(A commissions) all models are done, and textures are being worked on, however. I've been really focusing Commissions so that I dont have anymore open. I've been commissioning other artists to help. Like isabelle clothes and blender rig. Just needs textures that sfm can use. 

Once projects are done. I'll start working on character at a time, voted by you guys, and working on more solo Props dedicated to nieche subject matter. 



So how long before the blender files for Zoe are finished. Was getting hyped to animate in sfm :o