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So I'm not to sure if you guys really like this. But today I'll add a new tier. I think. 

I'm glad you guys really like the models, I have more models, however I slightly put them on hold(not really) to bring a few outdated models and bringing them in a fresher light. 


Each will have bigger updates mostly in the backgrounds, or just complete overhauls. some might look exactly the same, but extra stuff was introduced. However with that said, Some features will be removed for a small brief time. 

-Umbreon will have a male and female, along a new dog form
-Juri will be pretty much the same, but I revised the vulva, along side the mesh as a whole.She will also be getting a partner in crime
-Shy guy, I have remade the entire body of shygal, and I think it looks much better
-Peach, I did what I said I'd do, and that was give her feet and hands that didnt look like they were from playstation era.
-Bowser, I 'm planning a few things, But he'll be a bit slower to realse, so not much will be given.  

And a few other projects will be pushed during this month.
-Like Tristana with clothes made by ProfessorF for sfm and blender
-Princess peach Update
-With the new additional of the new tier. I am releasing the tristana stuff early on that tier. 

But I would like try to keep them all to myself untill the entire tiers have something from now on. So 5.00 the sfm tier, 7.00 The Asset stuff, and the 10.00 is the Blender file. And the 15.00 tier will have more to vote on. Which i'm planning to do. 

now a few things got pushed back with the release of 2.8 which was Ik rigs. I didnt want to
make the IK rigs Impossible to use. But I think They'll be back very soon.
So another pass of wips will happen on twitter rater soon. 

Another thing is, Tutorials, I want to release a few tutorials but, since my content is rather not sfw, I was curious if you guys had suggestions to where I could upload them. I do assume this will consume a bit of time with making and editing. But I think if more people had knowledge, then the more models would be released for you folks. 

Alright, hopfully my ramblings is coherent enough. Bless and have a good one.



Tristana looks amazing, can't wait!


Upload the tutorials onto Mega.


Uploading it one thing, but sharing is the other thing. its gonna be difficult if you do not want to download large video files.


Hm, good point. If it's not lewd, probably a video site.


So will the SFM-Patrons get the clothes for Tristana? Or do I have to become a 'OPP-Patron' to get them, because they count as assets?

Hatter's Lye

Yeah, I'm not clear on this either. Furthermore, does the OPP tier Tristana stuff that's just been posted include SFM assets or is it just Blender files?


Tristana will get the clothes. I wanted it done this wednesday. but its just being pushed to this week... HOPEfuly. But dont worry. You guys will get tristana. its just the sfm stuff takes more time. (the rig and shape keys were still needed. And OPP tier, doesnt have rig NOR keys. )


this tier is for people who use other programs that do not use the blender NOR SFM. Things that I'm not familiar with. Thigns like XnaLara stuff, dasStudio or just Maya, or stuff in that way. THey only get Tristana early, because I did want to open this tier last week, but didnt have a reason.


Will Blender release be included with the SFM release? not that its a huge deal either way, back porting is easy.


Question about that. I would like to Include a cheaper alternative. like would you want an IK rig set up. and all the gizmos, is there any reason you'd want to backport it? because IF its something like "Yeh, it would just be easier to edit" I can include additional files in the sfm files again, like the "Editors addition" . But I didn't receive any information that you guys liked that test that put out, so I assume there was no interest.


There's two reasons why I backport. One is speed, if the SFM version comes before blender then it would just to have the files working in blender. Other reason is to exclude the blender IK. It's nice but sometimes can be a hassle.


yeh, from now on, As stated, All 3 will be released at once rather just once in a while.


Whups, just saw I didn't click the reply function. Thanks for the future change. Can't wait to see the new outfit this week!


Could you maybe add pec/jigglebones to Bowser? Just thought I'd ask :3