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So I've done A lot of animating and learned a Lot.

-Now We have new Boo character model for Sfm.

 -New characters for Blender -Foxy -Freddy -Bonnie +Additional updates on pixiv for Chica and Baby 

-I still am available for skins for the horse dongs. so claim it.
(Just pick a character and then pick a dong, I'll make a Skin fitted to that character)

(These will be available for sfm at a later date, as they currently do not have textures/Uv's and are currently just Material based. I didnt wanna spend to much time on them, it took 3 days to make foxy, freddy and bonnie. and textures and uv's would have only increased that.)

-The animations and blender files ( Will be published NOT all today, as My internet isnt THAT great. So I'll distribute at least 1 a day. depending on how many animations and files I have.

I'll be posting all the Failed animations, but still shareable on my furaffinity account  @https://www.furaffinity.net/user/akkoarcade/
These will be animations ONLY, so there isnt any scenes and I wont share the blender files... as there isnt to much to them anyway. HOWever. If you would like them I dont think I have the blender files any longer. or was just an aniamtion that was done so quick that i didnt even bother to save it. Just ask)




can we get dong skins for a character that you didnt make? but using your dick (lol)