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Tristana, Poppy, Lulu, and Midna(New Head)

None have textures. And all of them will have clothes in the final build.

I'll do a stream where I uv Unmap all of the short stacks.

Other unpostable wips: Pirana Plant, Kindred+Wolf.

Updates, I recently got a tummy bacterial or something. So I've been bed-ridden for the past 3 days.

I'm getting down with the sickness now. but alas. sorry for taking the days off.

Next week bowser and Peach final update. I think.



Huh, you'd think Lulu'd be smaller than Trist. Who'da thunk.


Dunno how I feel about Lulu's lips. That body tho. 👀👀👀


YEAHH MOTHER FUCKK YORDLESS!?!?I=$=!$)$!)$! I mean gud m8, pretty gud


Hope you get better


Not sure I am fond of Lulu's face, Trist and Poppy's look fine but Lulu's seems a bit extra