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Currently someone is pledging 5.00 yet they cannot see the posts. Did anyone have this issue and how'd you resolve it?



My guess is that they didn’t select any tiers. IIRC, Patreon has an option to support creators without accepting any rewards (something like “no thanks, I just want to support blah blah blah”), so maybe that’s what happened. If they edit their pledge they should be able to see which rewards tier is selected and change it if it’s incorrect.


The paid tiers only unlock after you've been charged for a pledge, so they might have to wait until Sept. 1st. I think it's something they do to make sure people can't fake pledge (sign up for a tier, grab rewards, leave before the charge happens), only way around it I know of is to have pay up front status active. Idk, patreon is dumb about this stuff sometimes.

Sumerian Dragon

but i'v been patreon here since 3 or 4 months, that makes no sence, i never fail my pledges.


I have the same problem