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5- Peach and Bowser for sfm 

10- Next week

15-(my bad, the 2 suggestions for the dicks and vulva options were ment for you...

=====Next week goals======


5- ( I dont know, But maybe a Dick update... I'm NOT sure if this will happen. 

10- Human IK rigs for dicks, the reason why I pushed it back was because an update to all the meshes had me redoing somethings. as well extra stuff. And additional adding. For example, if I was on human 07 Ik rig. and  thought of a great Add. I felt like I owed it to the other dicks if I added them to. 


Lil thought. So my box is being filled with blender files I'm sharing..

I'm think of only adding blender files of scenes. of characters that new. OR if i'm actually need to show something, like a new tech. The other stuff I feel I dont think I 'Should' as its the same character with nothing new. And with that said. I can use assets like Hdris I'm legally not allowed to share. 

(So, to make these Extra worth, I wanna start asking what you guys would like to learn or see how its down. For example: Lets say you want BreastJob(Dick in breasts sorta), I will take the effort and time to learn and actually learn and put time in. Rather just doing something we all know how to do. 

Where my focus has been for the majority of this week. 

For the most part. It has been for animation and animation learning. I've busing out some Ik rig tutorial. So that they wont be subpar hopefully next time.

Lighting blender lighting. God damn. I feel like I'm on to something.  

I also was learning the wet to dry 

Goodra isn't a human character so from what I'm seeing I need to manually need to do something for her/him. 

Other is just some time into the dicks. (the next set of updates)

And the remaining of my time has been towards some commissions. 



Ya'know I figured something was up when you called the post "15$ Penis Suggestion", but I hope the suggestions given by lower tier patrons help ya. But continue to do your good work, by friend!