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I'm sure you all liked them or most, but there had to be a winner and you guys have spoken.

1st: Fire Donger for 52 Votes!!

2nd: Water Donger for 32 Votes!

3rd: Earth for 16 Votes

and 4th: Wind for 12 Votes.

Thank you all for voting.
IF this is something you guys Do like, Please let me know. I'll try to make a Poll/Vote more and more often.

So to restate what happens to the dongs.
1st place will be released publicly for free.

2nd place will be for patreon users unless the new dong Box

3rd place will be released but at a much later date

and last place will be reworked into a new donger hopefully increasing its charm!~

So everyone is a winner!~


Sumerian Dragon

neat, oi mate, ya do a lot of lovely dicks, but, can ya make some vulvas? like, canine or feline ones? can ya think about it? ty!!!


yea, its something I'll do once and a while. BUt I cant do it monthly like the dinks