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Hello, i'll start with the Commissions (sorry, these pay the bills. BUT. Some I've actually spoken to. And I'll let you know which ones will be shared here)

April O'Neil

Muffet (shareable?.. not sure how I'll deal with this.)


(This one cannot be shared as the Commissioner... doesn't want to? I'll try to take NON-Shareable projects VERY sparingly.
HOWEVER. I did manage to speak about taking more NON-Shareable Under a condision)
Personal Projects


(I'm starting to focus on him, so I have a male character for future animations, AKA the future of Soraka Animation)

This is for a friend, but Obviously it will be for the Public, this is... the girl from Undertale(I'm not familiar with the game yet. Still want to play it)


SOL materials and textures
(Still experimenting)

Bunny shorts:
Planning on adding another Texture skin, and more clothes. 

The future of Private commissions.
So this is something I thought of, I never liked taking money on patreon and still doing private stuff. Feels pretty scummy. (All while I have a paywall for my characters.) And unfair for you guys.

So I cooked up a plan. To get the 'Private models' a chance to be Public. through a Charity Auction.  So Multiple characters will be put up for auction, And the character that raises the most money. I will release to the public. Everyone who has asked for Private models are noted on the chance. And they all seem pretty cool. Its something To look forward. Its still in the works, because I'm Looking for a Auction site that'll do that, and the charity that'll be really nice to give to.

Dog bless. 

Edit: I'm currently Not taking anymore till, Coco, muffet and April are done. thanks for understanding. c:


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