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Having a good time working on these sketches for Patrons, ^^

Just a reminder than if you are a Patron at ANY tier you can request your fursona in the comments below. If you've requested your fursona before you don't have to put another comment down ^^



Jacob Strick

Respectfully as a fan I must throw in my hat. Jake Rabbit https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/yy79yjas8jbojvq0wzpdo/h?rlkey=x6c17ad3kd6mtzw7wr2fqkld1&dl=0 Becoming the bloomphed up hyper himbo he was born to be. Yours, Jake


I could imagine this being hammerspace pants and then when unbuckles it all comes flopping out


Ah! you know me I'd always be up for a JT or a Skea :3

Random Civilian

How about a male White Tiger, hyper muscle (as hyper as you can go without the proportions getting goofy, Summoner's Twist or bigger) with a set to match. Fur tuft on Chest (not enough to obscure it though), and Fur Seam on balls. I like being surprised, and I've never had a character drawn before, so that's it. https://www.furaffinity.net/favorites/randomcivilian/