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UPDATE:  Heylo all!

Thank you all for dealing with my little mental health break. I think when I have my bouts of major depression people may worry that it's work related, that I'm taking too much on or pressuring myself to create.

In reality it's usually more to do with my social life, something going wrong in my friend circle or family trauma or something to that affect. Making art is really the joyful part of my experiences and I just want to thank you all for sticking by me and allowing me to create art for you.

It's really been an honor and I try my best to produce things that will make us both happy together. =^^=

LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Apologies for the super late start this month...A few things went down in my personal life with friends that had me really stressing out....

I apologize again for the delay on the comic. I'm embarrassed to admit I had a bit of a depressive spell and lost over a week to just being sad... I'm sorry and apologize. 

I'll try to have more updates soon within the next little while or so I promise! <3 

 I have already canceled payments for the month of December to compensate.



Hope you feel better! ❤️


dont worry about it, you just get your life in order thats what matters most.


Take care of yourself hun


Feel better soon!!! Mental health is difficult but as long as you are taking care of yourself you're not gonna let anyone down ❤️


Take your time my dear. Mental health always comes frist. Hope you feel better soon.


Please don't feel bad! Life is hard! And we all love you out here! &lt;3


Been there myself more times than I care to count. Sometimes you just need to step away for a bit until your brain gets a bit out of that low place. Anybody who's been in the same mindset understands and won't think less of you for it. You just take care of yourself first and foremost, okay? &lt;=3

Mecha Kaiju X

It's totally fine amigo! Life stuff happens sometimes, so just take as much time as you need to get settled! Take care and thanks for the update ^^




Your personal well being comes first!


<p style="color: #008600;">Hey! Don't worry, we can't hide from our daily problems and depression. I hope everything gets better in your life soon!</p>


Well, it happens... We are not immune to creative burnout. Take care and be well!