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Forgive the little break between 'main' comic updates (I'm sure you're ALL ready too see where this plot is....growing... 😉) but fear not for I'm bringing you some rapid fire Funniez back to back starting with THIS traditional hyperfur hotty ^^ <3

Hope you enjoy! - and see you in the next comic, cuties!!! ❤️‍🔥

-Rabid Cowolf xoxoxox



Rykela Zair

oh, I love her. 💕 wish I was better at punditry so i could suggest some ideas for more of these, haha~

Dark NZ

She'll be blowin' six white horses when she cums


Talk about a joke that'll whiz right over the young'uns' heads. XD


I'm surprised I haven't seen this phrase used like this before.


"I ride up here every morning to see the splendor of nature and all her glories, I aint never missed a day without waking up and taking in the smell of the fresh mountain air" "It smells like a barn orgy" "breath it in hoss! there aint nuttin like it!"