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Welcome ALL to the monthly PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING thread. In this thread we're gonna take a look at the comic winning comic pitch and brainstorm some ideas for how the comic might go! Any visuals you might picture or plot twits or punchlines...BUT FIRST let's take a look at the winning  idea!  

Where No Hyper Has Grown Before!

A small team of astronauts is busy running maintenance and running experiments on their retro-futuristic 1960's-style space station. However, their protective shielding had no means of defense against an unforeseen blast of mysterious cosmic radiation, and when their bodies are bombarded with pure growth energy that turns every one of them into uncontrollably swelling and gushy Winger-style hyper herms it's up to the junior crew members, a skunk and a squirrel, to save the day before the nuclear-powered space station core goes supercritical and their assets outgrow the space station entirely!

(Uncontrolled Hyper/Macro Growth, Radiation, Excessive Cum)

So we have two space fairing furries getting into all sorts of trouble on a sci fi space station with their big growing bits. 

So basically what I want from you is to take a look at the prompt and let me know what you would be hoping to see from the sequence. Think of it like a focus group! Feel free to throw out any ideas, suggestions, visuals or character ideas you have in the comments below

A couple questions to get you started. WHO are these two? The skunk and squirrel, what are their characters like, what are their body types like before they start growing up a storm? Is one into it and maybe the other is taking it a bit more seriously perhaps? X3c Second, what type of space station are they on? I picture a sort of Subnautica style compartmentalized structure where they can really get nice and cramped x3c. What sorts of scenes take place, how do they take advantage of sci fi concepts like anti-gravity? Are they isolated on their adventure or perhaps is their team nearby but unable to help? 

Anything you can think of AT ALL that you'd like to see out of this prompt just let me know. I ALWAYS love hearing from you. And don't be afraid to "SECOND" somebody else's idea as well. That really lets me know what the audience likes ^^ <3 <3<3


Cosmo Cassamassa

That anti-gravity comment made me think that maybe there'd be a part where either our heroes or an (un)fortunate crewmember are sent floating through a compartment into an infected hyper crewmember who's been having a blast with the changes, creating a gooey cloud of irradiated love juices, trapping them between a sticky and a hard place!

Rykela Zair

I think one of the things that I most would like to see is making the growth not just transformation but hermification too. That is, everyone on the space station initially might be either male or female, but regardless of which one the energy turns them all into hyper herms. :&gt; It's also super great when growth and transformation is used as a way to let out the inner, *true* part of you that you keep repressed, so perhaps the skwirl and skunk - starting out as a nebbish boy and peppy, tomboyish girl, not sure who'd be which - end up being far better at their jobs and are hailed as heroes (with the reward of a job promotion) as a result of the experience! Plus they hook up too, but that goes without saying~ For the setting, when I wrote up the prompt I envisioned the space station as... probably similar to what Rabid imagined. Not being overly crowded, but not sparsely populated either, and that mysterious cosmic growth-energy affects EVERYONE aboard. Of course, there'd be plenty of open pipes and chemical containers that could conveniently burst open amid the chaos to make the growth even worse. Also, as far as the spacesuit designs go, they've gotta be all bubble-helmeted, skintight latex retro sexiness! Lots of bulging and rippage before our two intrepid heroes inevitably outgrow them. For those of you who're wondering, this great piece of fanart by Snao was the initial inspiration for this sort of prompt: https://twitter.com/AStupidJerk/status/1320568584704348165 Although naturally, in this comic, everyone is gonna get WAY bigger~! 💗


I like the idea of one of the two being a nerdy scientist type - twinkish body, with a huge crush on the other, but far too shy to say or do anything. However now with this event, his body suddenly gets a whole lot sexier, and he finds the courage to both save the day, and get the girl. Could be a fun sub-plot going on. I also like the idea that when everything settles down, the largest of the hyper victims, too big to continue their old jobs, are set to powering the station, using their constant flow of milk and jizz to turn turbines, or something along those lines


Could we have the skunk and squirrel be in the middle of a spacewalk when the energy storm hits? That way when they get in they don't really know how they've changed until they're out of their suits. Another thought was that the rest of the crew is uncontrollable because they didn't get a large enough dose since they were in the station. Our two heroes have control because they got a full dose, it'll be staying in control that will be the problem.

Rykela Zair

I think the spacewalk idea is potentially great (after all, I *did* mention those bubble helmets, we could perhaps at least get a panel or two of a background character in one if the main characters don't have them), but part of the fun with this fetishy plot is racing against the clock to find a way to safely stop their own BWOOMPHing. :&gt;


Id love for a final scene where you zoom out and out and out and out and out of all the characters' still growing and you find out where the growth radiation came from, which was universal sized macro herm releasing some pent up tension.


Lol oh gosh being bumped into somebody's growing bits with no way to change your initeria X3c....poor thing heheh


I really like the idea of the two becoming more intimate with each other after the incident ^^ Also for some reason I find the idea of just having sex with your entire space station to be extremely hot X3c


Hehehe that might be a bit outside the scope of this one since it'll only be 6 pages but if we go over for a sequel that'd be a very interesting angle to explore!

Dark NZ

Space-station + hyper expansion = using milk and/or cum as "thrusters" in a micro-gravity situation right? &gt;;3


Would be funny/hot if one of them got so big they ended up fucking the station airlock


I highly agree with this statement. A ship fucking segment will definitely be added in somewhere X3c