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I had been sick for a while...a long while and I eventually went in for chest xrays and a swab and....yup

Everything seems to think I'm already through the worst of it  but yeah....

I had just been waiting to get over 'the flu' this whole time so I could get back to work...I guess that's not  happening  soon. 

I'll pause payments so you won't be charged and I won't be paid until I'm well enough to make comics again. 

Sorry ya'll =(



Xarnak Ansar

Hey take your time recovering. Your health comes first.

Gelty Drake

Oh no! Get well very soon buddy! We love you!!!


Oh my gosh stay safe


Don't pause payments! Just leave it roll. :> I'm sure I speak for most folks when I say I'm more than happy to pay an extra couple bucks to help you through this! I had Covid myself last summer and I know how brutal it is. :c So just take it easy for a while, and also take my money


Oh noooo. Take care and monitor your fever closely. ;_;


Take care of yourself bud! Covid ain't fun, but it sounds like you're going through a "mild" case of it. Get well soon eh.


dude don't pause payments i give you money cuz i like ya not cuz i expect art every month. feel better and get rest

Tellek Norris

Best wishes for your recovery!

Shiny Umbreon

Can we volunteer to continue sending payments?


At least you're through the worst of it so hopefully you'll get well soon!


I hope you get well soon.


Bro, please don't stop the payments. You are too valuable to us, not just as an artist but as a friend. If you want to freeze payments that badly, why not open a KoFi so that those who still want to pay during a non-Patreon month, could do so?

Ombre Khymyr

Like others were saying, don't pause payments! Also I thought you had gotten vaccinated already?

Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Oh dear, poor thing. I do wish you all the best luck in getting over what you've got, but like the others I insist that you don't pause payments unless you're absolutely certain you can survive the time you need... and then some more.

Max Kennedy

I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you get treated soon. Stay Strong Rabid. We're gonna get though this together. >_,< Everything is going to be alright.

Lupi Inkenhoof

Rest and fluids, man. Take your time getting well. We can wait. <3


Rest up and feel better big coo ❤️

Drakin Kovar

Oh no. :( *hugs* Wishing you the best on a speedy recovery.


I mean this in the best way possible, but, shut up and take my money. Hope you get better soon.


Aww jeeze. I hope you have a very speedy recovery! Wishing you the best of luck!

Potzi Hookman

Oh no, I hope you get well soon. Keep in touch with your doc and all, make sure you don’t have lingering side effects.


Take good care of yourself, man, and stay on top of it. I lost one of my best friends to that a few months ago.

Anime Guy

Don’t stop payments. Your health is more important than what we want to see. Please take care of yourself. We can wait.


get well soon!


Oh no... ;w;

Aaron Neumann

At least you didn't have to get emergency surgery due to your gall bladder going (practically) septic. Although, to be honest, COVID screws you now AND later...


I'd ask you to not pause the payments. It's not your fault


I'm very sorry that this happened to you. And yet, now the main thing is to take care of yourself. Get well!


Don’t pause payments, I don’t mind helping support you while you get better!

Woynich Fermat

When you’re feeling better, you really ought to set up a gumroad shop or something so that if those of us feel like it, we can rebuy some earlier comics of yours to help you out, even when you feel like pausing your patreon.

Hell Ray

Get better, and enjoy the time off. Want you bright eyed and bloated uddered soon.

Eric Pinecones

Holy crap dude I hope you’re doing okay at least. Like take as long as you need to recover because it might be king and might not. (Hopefully it isn’t long)

Dark NZ

I agree with the others, don't pause the payments, look after yourself and get well soon ~ *snugs*


Please get well soon. Regardless of comics I want you around!


I hope you recover soon! The world cant afford to lose someone as nice as you


*Snugs* Sorry to hear. : <