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Welcome back to another installment of POKKET MOMSTERS. In this exciting episode the fight scene gets fully underway and we finally see which of our two battle momsters comes out on top!

I really hope you enjoy the page. I don't do a lot of fight scenes so I really had fun with the pacing and the effects and everything. This has been a blast to work on I tell ya what! 

The plan moving forward is to try and get pages 5 and 6 posted by the end of the month, at which point we'll just continue on with this story for another six pages, making this a 12 page epic! I really wanted to experiment with slightly longer form stories and this seems to be a good pace I can keep up with as well. If you guys like the longer more involved stories ( I know a few people have said that it'd be nice to get the growth sequences a little more room to "Grow" ;3) and think it might be a good format moving forward I'll have to do some experimenting with the tiers since they're more monthly focused atm. Regardless in the mean time I hope you enjoy the comic, the upcoming two pages and the eventual mega sized finale! ^^

On the TMI health front. I've been feeling lots better recently. Have managed to keep my stomach pain under control though I can feel some gurgling and tightness when I start getting a little too overzealous. Have been practicing lots of meditation and breathing techniques to keep my stress level under control, as well as having upcoming appointments with both a counselor and a gastroenterologist. So I'm definitely doing my best to get healthy for you all. ^^ <3



Xarnak Ansar

So much for that spotless battle record. X3


Frossleon is a goodun


Is that a Dead Yamcha reference in there I see?


So now the remaining pages, entails a montage of regaining her honor (and being sexier in the process!)

Hell Ray

OOF, the vice cheek clenches chip away HP at each turn. She was done for from that moment