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Sure the pay is great...but the benefits that are the real deal maker <3 <3


Thank you once again for sticking with me through another hyper-fur fun comic! Excuse the usual delays, just been recovering from ailments but I hope the wait was worth it! I put my all into this one! 

Look forward to the next COMIC VOTE coming up shortly, I'll be posting it either later today or tomorrow. Since I didn't take any pledges for March or April we'll call this next comic May's, even though I'll be starting work on it before. A little extra breathing room never hurt anyone eh? ^^

Anyway I love you all and as always I hope that you enjoy the comics and have a wonderful week <3





You have no idea how much I love your art!!!


God your backgrounds are epic! I mean, the hyper is amazing too, but I'm really impressed with the detail in your backgrounds x)


The way the body has settled so heavily is amazing!

Max Kennedy

Aww a Nice ending. Sexy as all Hyper Hell! Well Done! ^w^ Looking Forward to the comic votes! owo So Happy to hear from you again Rabid. Missed you lots~! *hugs*

Gameseeker (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 22:13:54 Always love to see a happy ending, that's what makes your finales always so wonderful. &lt;3
2021-04-17 11:57:49 Always love to see a happy ending, that's what makes your finales always so wonderful. <3

Always love to see a happy ending, that's what makes your finales always so wonderful. <3


*huffs* thanks sweetheart. You know how much I love weightiness X3c &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


*hugs you hard* I honestly missed all you guys as well. Being sick and depressed sucks butt tbh. I'm doing my best to get counseling and looked at medically so I can be around more consistently &lt;3

Max Kennedy

Awww Darling! *Nuzzles you* I'm really sorry you've been feeling like that. I honestly can relate cause I've been feeling very blue as well and yesterday I had a horrible stomach pain. I'm glad you'll get help soon and I hope you feel Better Very soon! We're here for you and we care and love you lots! We'll listen to all your problems and do anything to make you feel better. You Are Loved and Special to Us All! &gt;3&lt; (I've made a note for you on Furaffinity that I think You'll really Love~ &gt;wo )


Bless you sweetheart your supportive comments are really brightening my days! I'll be getting bloodwork and mental health assessments done ASAP. It's just all this lockdown stuff makes it tricky to say the least ^^;


I literally joined for this comic. Really nice work!! 🙏❤