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Helloooooooooo all you fur fans and welcome to another round of comic votes. Where we will find out what salacious story I will be tasked with bringing to life this month X3

So take a look at all the options below and let's find out which one it will be!

---------------------------THE RULES-----------------------------

Take a read of the stories below then cast a vote for EVERY IDEA  that appeals to you! You can vote for as many comics as you like so don't be shy!

Have fun and thank you all so much for the continued support!

---------------------------THE STORIES---------------------------

Haute GRO-ture

WingerCo presents a live look into the most prestigious hyperfur fashion show of the year, where each bulgy, cum-dripping model on the catwalk is bigger than the last! Whether it's normal but ill-fitting outfits, special custom-designed support gear, or outright fetish-wear, it's always a feast for the senses! This year's theme will focus on ball bras and nut tattoos, with clothing that supports and centers them. Get your cameras ready!

(Exhibitionism, Casual Mega-Hyper, Excessive Cum)

Helluva House Call

An apothecary is summoned to the palatial estate of a massive dragoness to help deal with an embarrassing medical issue. She's not fond of doctors but this one promises to be extremely gentle as she applies the suppository potion. Due to the dragonesses sheer size she WILL have to get rather up close and personal and go elbow deep into this case.

(Size Difference, Anal Vore, Cute Romance)

A Brood With a View

On top of a grassy hill, a plucky gal is shocked to make first contact with extra terrestrial life! The tender alien is overjoyed to meet this specimen, all the more because he's actually the "queen" of his species and it's his duty to repopulate his colony. As such he needs a willing incubator. Kinky alien sex, being absolutely FILLED with eggs AND being treated like a queen...!? Seems like a good time to her! Sign her up!

(Hyper Cumflation, Hyper Egg-Preg, Tentacles)

Queen Cobra!

An inquisitive cobra lady finds herself inheriting the many artefacts of an ancient, long-dead King Cobra Empire. Previously only one different power-granting artefact was granted to each new ruler, but with with no empire to restrict her, she decides that she's deserving of more than just one, as each one multiplies the effects of the others, and she soon starts growing in many different and unexpected ways.

(Hyper Muscle/Hourglass/Lip Expansion, Multi, Giantess)

Marathon Man-Boobs

Being a long distance delivery boy in Ancient Greece isn't the BEST job, but it does have one perk. Once a month he gets to make a delivery up the tall mountain peak to the a temple where the sexy Minoan maidens worship the goddess Aphrodite. Hiking up the 10,000 stairs is hard enough let alone with a 40 pound sack of supplies on your back. And now the delivery boy discovers that a potion is leaking somewhere in his delivery satchel and is dripping right onto his snoot. Suddenly he finds himself growing massive breasts that are soon swelling right out of his toga! Hopefully he can get to the top before his magically milk swollen chest leaves him stuck halfway up the mountain! 

(Male Breast Expansion, Lactation)

Cramped Office Space

A scruffy IT worker has one bright side to his job, assisting the absolutely massive office secretary with her constant tech issues. It used to be a bit awkward crawling under her desk to fiddle with her connections while she was still sitting there, especially as all of her curves and folds spill out the sides of her office chair, but it's become routine at this point. Until one day when he finally tries to squeeze underneath her chair to reset her connection but due to some untimely accidents ends up getting VERY up close and personal with the big lady's VERY hyper undercarriage.

(Hyper SSBBW, Hyper Pussy, Size Inconvenience)

Pill Popping

When an overly ambitious hyper herm wolf-taur decides to indulge in some extra doses of her growth supplement and ends up flooding out her neighborhood in the ensuing chaos, she’s enlisted into the research of the Extreme Biological Divergence Research Institute and studied as to what makes her so receptive to these pills. The herm herself couldn’t care less since the “research” involves injecting her with all kinds of growth supplements trying to get more data for their study.

(Hyper Sizes, Massive Expansion)

Dungeons and Dongs 2 - The Social Pillar

The adventuring party, still getting used to their new size, track down the villainous dragon to an incredibly posh social gathering at the local baron's palatial estate. Donning disguises and forging invitations, the party infiltrate the event to once and for all put a stop to the dragoness' evil plans. But little do they know she is expecting them, and with her erotomancy has a terribly messy, and terribly embarrassing trap set, waiting to be sprung.

(Hyper Male/Female/Herm, Exhibitionism, Public Nudity/Sex)

Feeding Frenzy

Shark girl has been doing all right, watching her weight, sticking to her diet, etc. But when she accidentally tastes a bit of seafood in her meal at the mall food court, all hell breaks loose as her instincts take over and she is compelled to scarf down as much food as she can get her hands on.

(Hyper BBW, Stuffing, Vore)

Paving the Way 

A demolitions company is trying out a new service. A pair of hyper-hot, macro, muscle-studs in construction gear come over and have a kinky sex party all over your city. Making way for new building developments has never been so fun!

(M/M,  Macro, Growth, Destruction, Sex, Hyper)


Aaaaaand that's all of 'em! The poll will end on the 5th so be sure to get your votes in before then! 

Lots of love and thank you so much! Treat yourself to something nice, you deserve it! <3



YEEESS, Dungeons &amp; Dongs 2!! 😍😍

Hell Ray

Caught between Cramped Office Space, Pill Popping, and Haute GRO-ture. On one hand I love the idea of lewd hyper casual office interactions, but I love hyper taurs, especially with boobs even in background. But where would be be without Doug Winger and the legacy thats still growing from his fans. Too many good choices this time, glad to be a patron in times like this.

Rykela Zair

Man! Fingers crossed that my idea wins. Couple of strong competitors, though. 👀


Aww heck you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear things like this hun. No matter what wins I'll try my best to do it justice!


I pray for Haute Gro-ture! Love me some hyper fashion


If Pill Popping doesn't win, I really hope it can be in next month's lineup.


Feed big shark!