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As the growth curse continues to have ancillary effects on most of the party it's up to the Barbarian and the Warrior to get the crew to safety before the dungeons collapses in on them!




Holy crap, I love it!! This is DEFINITELY a party we need to return to in future comics!! Go, Herm-barian, go! Way to carry the team to victory, eh?

Dark NZ

Gotta get that door open quick or they'll all be too big to pass through it, and just like it's running a relay the latest victim is now within range of the curse ~ <3


b i g g e r <3<3 Such a good group i adore them all~


Haha yes indeed.... bigger plz. This is more of a buff imo than a curse.


Also background dragon door. 😝


They're going to be the biggest adventuring party around by the time they clear this dungeon!


lol at the tits popping out of the panel



Rykela Zair (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 22:15:11 I can't help but imagine that the barbarian is walking in comically slow motion due to her increasing size, haha! ~<3
2020-12-15 20:30:47 I can't help but imagine that the barbarian is walking in comically slow motion due to her increasing size, haha! ~<3

I can't help but imagine that the barbarian is walking in comically slow motion due to her increasing size, haha! ~<3


Hehehe's she's definitely the party pack animal! And 100% a team player. NO PARTY MEMBER LEFT BEHIND!


*giggles* I've heard a trap where the walls close in on you, but not a trap where you close in on the walls!


Definitely would have to agree though I bet the Overencumberence penalty is a pain X3


I wonder if they're gaining levels every time they gain a new foot of girth X3


Lol not to mention with all the friction of them being pressed up against the walls X3

Dark NZ

Well it is so much easier then setting up all those gears, rails and counterweights to get the walls to move isn't it? &gt;;3