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Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been struggling with a flu/head cold/ear infection/sinus infection thing for the past 3.5 weeks. 

Doc even sent me to a covid clinic to get tested (it came back negative luckily). Which when I got there the nurse confirmed I was pretty much having a panic attack over it (blood pressure and pulse were sky high) so being so nervous about that whole event caused my anxious gut to start acting up as well. :P

So I'm on a couple of antibiotics now and a double dose of pantaprozole (antacid) to calm everything down. For the past few days if I'm not in bed I've been in the shower steaming my face open :P

Anyway thank you for your continued patience. I've been extremely wanting this illness to pass so I can get things done, I'm sorry.  u_u



Get well soon love. ♥

Xarnak Ansar

Hey don’t worry about it, focus on getting well ok? :3


Get well soon dear 💜

Sam Hat

Sinus infections are no joke. Rest up! No rush.

Damien Jacobs

take a deep breath. everything's going to be okay

Borusa Ryalam

No worries! You take care of yourself!


Hope you're feeling better soon eh!


hope you get well soon

Max Kennedy

I’m very sorry to hear that. We hope you get well soon!


Hope you feel better soon.


Get well soon, take care of yourself!

Rykela Zair

We appreciate the update, and it sucks to hear that you're ill. Take some time to rest! We'll still be here. =)


Hope you recover soon