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Hey ya'll! Thank you so much for your patience as always, I seem to sound like a broken record on that aspect but I really can't thank you enough.

So as for the announcement: DON'T FRET! You won't be charged for next month, or the month after or for however long it takes me to catch up to myself.

I've been assuring myself that next month is the month that I'll be able to double down my workload and catch up to my schedule. But it's apparent that I can't even KEEP up with the monthly schedule let along CATCH up.

So I'm calling a mulligan on this month. Patreon payments will be paused for the time being, meaning that you can stay a patron and get all the updates you normally would, just without anything being sucked outta your account every month. Which for me means I can take my time on the stuff I gotta do and not stress out over more work piling up.

SO DON'T PANIC and don't unsubscribe or anything. I'm still here and still passionate and actually love making growing lewd fur content for all of ya'll! And I'd like to keep doing it if at all possible.

SO the current plan on my end, as I'm hoping it will go, I'll finish up the increasingly less timely Christmas comic on a slow and steady pace, then move on to one new comic after that. Then after those are finished and I've caught up with my obligations I'll restart everything up again.

While that's happening I'd like to take the time to rethink the structure of my content. I liked the monthly schedule because I felt it kept me going and forced me to stay productive. But I would also like the chance to work on other fun projects, perhaps something like a long form narrative comic, I'd like to stream more often and maybe do some lewd fur drawing lessons! Heck, maybe even do some commissions like everyone wants hehe!

So in that regard perhaps switching to a "for each completed comic" model, or a bi-monthly schedule would lead to doing more open ended stuff.


- You won't be charged for the next following months so don't go anywhere!

- Updates will be slow and steady, but consistent, I'm not going anywhere!

- I love you <3

OH! And I hope you like the page! I think it's good ^^




We love you too, Rabid! ^_^ I'm not going anywhere either. The other ideas sound interesting. A longer-form narrative comic could be fun! Gives a lot more time for worldbuilding, not to mention Growth~ and buildup~.


Is it me or am I really attracted to that background elephant character you drew, because I really love the comic idea but putting an elephant in is the icing on the cake

James Dougell

Actually, a ‘per comic completed’ model would make me much more likely to stay subscribed. If you can handle how that would alter your payflow, I say go for it.

Potzi Hookman

We love you, you big cuddly cowolf you. We’re not going anywhere, cause we know you’ve got this. Slow and steady wins the race, and I know many of us would still gladly support you while you catch up.


I'ld still rather pay you for those months.