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Sorry about the slow updates lately folks! I've been having issues with energy, depression and motivation and I don't want to force anything. I always want to make something as good as I can, with love and passion. I promise I don't take the fact that you all support me and pay good money for me to produce these comics lightly. In fact...that weighs quite heavily at times... ^_^;

With that being said I've also decided to take June off! I need a little bit to recharge my batteries and not have quite as much constant deadline stress ^^;

Patreon used to offer it's patrons the ability to pause their pledges for a single month and have it renew automatically. They have since removed that feature because it was apparently being abused.

So the plan right now is to just pause my whole page for the month. Though I know there are folks out there who, for some reason, just want to support me no matter what. Bless your souls. I'll have to see if there's a workaround or something perhaps.


The current gameplan: I'll be finishing Mountain GROW've Resort just as soon as I can, then we'll vote on the next comic. That'll be done, then a tiny break and then we'll meet back here to get back to business again on July 1st!

Much love and thank you so much for all you've done for me <3 <3



Please take care of yourself and we appreciate all you have done! You have been the most consistent person when it comes to Patreon and you deserve a break. Rest easy cow. Love


That's okay, you do what you need to do.


I'm very proud of you stepping up for yourself. Yes I know there are a ton of us who care about you more than your comics. Take the little extra time you need to feel 100%, so you can give 100%. ^^


do rest up a much as you need!


Your health comes first ^^ I hope you enjoy your break, and we'll be here when you get back


Enjoy your break! ^^ I hope you have a wonderful summer vacation.


I hope you feel better soon!

shard zerune

you can win you feel great you can do this

Anime Guy

No need to worry about us, we can wait. After all your health is just as important as anything else. You just relax this June and don’t worry about us.

Hell Ray

Heh maybe this comic was secretly calling out to you for a little vacation. Though I'm sure these kind of resorts are extremely hush hush. Take care.


Health before hotness.


Enjoy your summer break to recharge your batteries and maybe get some inspirations during it.

Potzi Hookman

Self care, it’s what it’s about. If it’s more than art deadlines weighing on you, maybe find a professional to chat with. Those help too. Let us know if you find a workaround for pausing the page, cause I still wanna support the best and most huggable cowolf around!