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Nice 'sharp-eyes" refference!


Impressive BG!! I dont say that enough!!


God, sometimes I forget about how cute your characters are. Even the little Mole Lady is a pleasant sight.

James Dougell

Agreed. One of the first things I noticed apart from the mega-bulge was the amount of detail put into the stuff on the shelves.


I am totaly seeing forward to this! Can´t await to see the next pages =3


Thank you so much! <3 This one was a fun one to do despite all the boxes of product ^^;


I worry about cluttering the page with details but we're in a pharmacy! Gotta draw a pharmacy ^^


I am sure I will enjoy everything of it! =3 Btw, is there a possibility to contact you in private? Sent you a pm on FA some time ago, but got no response to it...


Sorry about that, my FA inbox is a nightmare tbh. You can go ahead and contact me here or on twitter ^^


I try. By the way, why is another guy on his ID?? Isn´t he allowed to buy the medicine or what happened there?

Xarnak Ansar

Daaaw poor thing. I imagine carrying all that around is quite the workout for the skinny guy. X3

Will Stewart

Alright, that old lady Mole needs to appear in more comics because she's just TOO CUTE.


Aww I'm so happy you think so hehe! She can certainly be the cause of more shenanigans in the future ^^

Coco Wren

I think it is not another guy on his ID. It's just that her eyesight is so bad that is what she thinks his face looks like. So she mistook him for another guy and gave him that guy's medicine.