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Sorry for the super delay on the last page of Jan's Bloblem. I had a tooth extracted three days ago and when I try to sit down to ink my hands are way too jittery.

Probably because I've only had three cups of applesauce for 72 hours. ^_^;

It's coming soon though and I'll try my best to keep to a stricter schedule on this month's comic. I appreciate your support and I don't take it lightly I promise.



Been there before! Time for some milkshakes & soup! :D


No worries, hope you feel better soon.


the most important thing is your health Rabid Cowolf ^^ we are faithful of your great work and person

jimmy jones

It’s koo dood shit happens. Hope you’re feeling better :)


Heal first that's all I'm gunna ask :p


Take your time. Your health is more important.