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“Muhahahaha! Get a little more than you bargained for mortal!?” the demon cackles, luxuriating in twisting yet another mortal’s desir- *SNATCH*. He’s suddenly grabbed from out of midair, mid-cackle. The magical vixen pulls the little creature up to her face and simply says “MORE.”

The demon takes a moment to double check his handiwork.


The look on her face is deathly serious. Well...this is new. Wiggling his fingers in a magical manner the two suddenly vanish, leaving the other students in stunned silence.



Drakin Kovar

Looks like someone's never had a 'curse' turn into a 'blessing' before. :P


Well well, somebody wants to be huge. :3


*gasp* DIALOGUE IN A SPEECH BUBBLE?! What kind of 2018 Rabid is this? :O


Dude that 'More' expression is absolutely priceless. xD. I'm always happy to see characters who are beyond eccentric and just straight up devoted to bigness~