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The two saboteurs sheepishly approach the growing Rudolph with remorse. They can tell how uncomfortable and embarrassing his situation is for him. They really didn’t mean for it to go like...this and they shouldn’t have been trying to get him kicked off in the first place and-

Their apology is cut short however as another shock-wave of growth shoots tingling waves of pressure and pleasure through the little deer’s thick, massive member. It’s not painful for him but such a massive area all experiencing a throbbing, pulsating growing sensation, an odd pins and needles that’s strangely pleasurable, all being felt by a part of him that’s now bigger than the entire rest of his body...it’s a wild ride. And all he can do is squirm and moan as it does it’s own thing. Blitzen knows it’s time to end this for the poor dear.




I'm loving this comic so far ;w; Your design for Blitzen is so good ♥


yup i love it as well!


I really love Blitzens design, might need to save that character for another comic later


Looks like the sleigh will have rocket propulsion soon enough. :3


Hehehe, yeah but with the refractory period I doubt he'd make the trip all in one night XD