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I'm sorry everyone. I got halfway through the edit of today's YT video yesterday and just couldn't get myself to keep going and finish it. So today's reaction I'll post for next Friday instead.

I didn't wanna do this at all and it's a struggle typing this up and doing so.

I have to admit, I'm very, very burnt out. Not with recording and reacting, but with editing Editing is something I do all day, every day; for my job and for my own videos, and after doing both simulatenously for over a year now, I'm really feeling it.

It's been really hard lately, honestly. I've been getting overwhelmed with everything and I hate it.

I'm trying my best, but I'm still sorry about this.

Again, I'll post the reaction that was supposed to be for today for YT next Friday instead.

(And I guess with that, I'll post a poll next Friday instead of today)

Also, along with this, I'm gonna pause the Mandalorian reaction for this Saturday as well. It's good that we just finished season 1, it gives me an excuse for this small pause before resuming with season 2, which will now resume next Saturday/Sunday for YT.

Honestly, something needs to change for me, because this is exhausting. I've been going way too hard especially this year, and I'm feeling it so much, and I hate it. Again, I apologize for all of this and hope you understand. Thank you.



You sound a lot like I did last year. Please, rest! It's hard to take care of yourself first, but I'm rooting for you!


My advice is limit what you react to; pick one day over the weekend to watch and record your movie/series then upload on the next Wednesday. Also if you’re going to begin a franchise with multiple sequels go ahead and get them out of the way, don’t spread them out over other reactions (I seen too many people start franchises then take so long to finish them they forget what happened the previous movie) Also I’d go with Adam Wetstein’s suggestion to reach out to other reactors like Cassie from “Popcorn In Bed” or George and Simone from “Cinebinge” about finding the best editors, I’m sure they’d love to give you a hand. Hope that helps, enjoy your weekend. (Also I see you’re about to hit 20K subs on your YouTube, congrats)

Megan Brotherton

Take care of yourself first. Take as long or as many breaks as you need. Being burnt out is almost impossible to power through so do what you need to feel better.❤️💕❤️