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Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. This is the edited version of Contact, but it's the NORMAL/REGULAR VERSION unlike the YouTube version I'll be posting shortly, which has no movie audio because of dumb copyright claims that I literally could not avoid no matter what I did :')

So this video is public/free via here on Patreon!

(Side note: this is a very audio-lax version, like, not a lot of typical audio edits since the video player on Patreon they just implemented has no hard copyright system... so this is not a version I tried putting on YouTube 3498584 times in the past 12 hours 🤪 Every other version I've tried uploading to YouTube was heavily, heavily distorted in terms of audio, and it still didn't take after almost 10 tries :') So this was an awful experience and hopefully this was the first and only ever time! Hope you all enjoy!)



Tom Evans

"For Carl." Carl is Carl Sagan, the visionary who wrote this story and a whole lot more about science and the universe.


Thanks for having this version!!! love your reactions but can’t afford Patreon at the moment. Love listening to the reactions sometimes while I’m working my homestead and the YouTube silent reaction killed me. Hope to subscribe to patreon again soon! Keep it going! 💕💕