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After careful consideration, especially this past weekend, I will be rebranding across the board, not just on YouTube. It won’t be an unrecognizable change, but a change nonetheless.

So, ASAP I’ll be rebranding to “OGB Reacts” on here/YouTube and "OGBPlays" on all other platforms, since I stream and am active in the Twitch community. Today’s video on YouTube will be the last with my previous name mentioned and by Fridays video, everything everywhere will be changed.

More people call me OGB across the board than my now previous username anyway, so thankfully this is a relatively easy change, I just need to, well, change everything now.

This weekend, a lot of people told me that they had issues with my current name and because of that, I’m not comfortable with this name anymore and things will be changing. I would absolutely rather have nobody question my username rather than even a handful of people. I will be honest, it kind came all at once with my post from this weekend; it completely took me aback and it honestly made me panic, but I get it and I understand why.

I’m not trying to make any excuses whatsoever, but I just wanna say, I hope you all know that the name that I had was just that; it was a nickname that my sister gave me as I explained in a previous post, and I used that as a username for everything, including my name for content creation. I had no idea about the man who had that as a nickname until relatively recently, and didn’t realize it had anything to do with literally anything else until recently as well. I also hope you all know I would never try to intentionally hurt or offend anybody whatsoever. I’m sorry if I did or if I was off putting to people because of that name or anything of the sort. None of that was my intention whatsoever, and again, I really do hope you all know that. Again, I’m sorry.

I really do appreciate you all. Thank you for telling me about this. Once again, I do apologize if I was naïve or silly or offensive or anything with this. I just want to be here, making you all laugh and entertaining you, and nothing negative, of course. Thank you again.




I personally don’t understand why anyone would have an issue with your username and don’t feel that you needed to change it, but that’s not up to me. Thankfully it seems that it’s an easy change for you. Looking forward to what you have coming up next.


I just thought you were a big fan of the restaurant tbh where have I been I missed a chapter.


I know, I just had a handful of people say some choice things about my name this weekend. It hurt but I’m also not gonna fight it, so to me this was the best decision, honestly.


See, this is another reason why I think it’s good to change it; so many different possible “meanings” that people assume about the name 🤪 That’s okay though, I understand it.