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Hey there! Thank you for being a Patron! Here's the full reaction to THE SHINING!



*Want to download this instead? Copy the YouTube link, go to this site or any YouTube to MP4 website, and download from there!*

NOTE: You follow along with your own copy of the movie; I have a little timer right at the beginning where it counts down and shows the word "play" when I myself start playing the movie. I also have a timer synced throughout the movie so you're also in sync the whole time! If you don't have your own copy, then you'll have pretty much no idea what's happening!



Hey there! Thank you for being a Patron! Here's the full reaction to THE SHINING! Here's the downloadable version https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MskSYbo5FLiQyDLYCmckNUEBaZH5rFnY?usp=sharing AHHHHHHHHHH!! THIS WAS FRIGGEN TERRIFYING AND CREEPY!! Really good overall BUT ABSOLUTELY HELL NO TO ALL OF THAT! NOTE: You follow along with your own copy of the movie; I have a little timer right at the beginning where it counts down and shows the word "play" when I myself start playing the movie. I also have a timer synced throughout the movie so you're also in sync the whole time! If you don't have your own copy, then you'll have pretty much no idea what's happening!


Raksha Tala

My headcannon is that this movie has forever ruined surprise naked women in tubs for you.

Raksha Tala

Also, fun fact, Jack Nicholson was a fire fighter (i think volunteer?) and kept breaking thru the prop doors too quickly so they had to find a reinforced one.

T.J. Gengler

Sorry for the delayed response to this posting. Life happens ya know. I want to sincerely thank you for watching this film and for sharing your reaction with us. This film is a masterclass in how to relentlessly build tension. There's so much here that doesn't really advance the plot but works so well in helping the story. The atmosphere of dread and pending doom just doesn't let up. If you pay attention carefully, the layout of the hotel is an impossibility. The rooms as shown cannot actually exist as presented. The sound design and score work so well to keep us on the edge of panic without us really knowing why. I trust now that you understand why I was pushing for this film before Spring arrives. The Winter isolation is a big part of the power of this film, in my humble. The scene withe the furry....whatever in the bedroom? Your reaction is basically what Kubrick wanted. Just one more element of confusion and horror to make us question our own sanity. Jack Nicholson is just... Jack. Brilliant in everything he does and he doesn't half-ass his craft. We just have one more film to go to earn your Stephen King Trauma Merit Badge. Some day, I'd love you to watch THE MIST (2007). Directed by Frank Darabont (who also directed SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION and GREEN MILE), this film is easily one of my favorites in it's particular horror sub-genre.