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((Yes this is a relatively-instant repost— I didn’t put “Allow only one response per person” in the last poll WHOOPS))

Are you excited for October aka SPOOKY SEASON?? 'Cause I am! And I've got some good movies for you guys to choose from 👀

*The polls this month will mostly be choices that I really would like to watch that are also ones that people have mentioned often, but I'm throwing them in a poll to see which one's I'll watch first!*

I hope these are good picks 👀

(Also, "Halloween" will be for Friday 10/29, of course)


T.J. Gengler

I really want you to watch MISERY. Too bad it's losing to....PSYCHO and THE EXORCIST. Yeah, I really can't argue too much about that.


I love a good scary movie but it's not the gore and violence that puts me on edge. It's what I can't see that scares me the most.


As I understand it, all of these are in October and this is just about what comes first.