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Heya guys, I'm going to be trying to do some extra animations this month! In the coming days I will be doing a challenge to try and make one small animation per day, for three days. There is no guarantee how it will go but I'm going to do my best and work to get these done, and (if I have to) just go until I can't work anymore. I already did two practice runs in preparation for this so I have a decent idea of what I'm getting into now.

Here are the other artists who are also going to be participating:








Each person is planned to release their own works so feel free to check them out ^^

P.S. Right after this I will be straight back to working on the Lara animation (Which is turning out to be a massive project by my standards) and another animation project for release here sometime sooner. Thank you all for your support, and I will do my best on all these projects, (please send me your energy, I'm gonna need it lol)



Sending you best vibes and energy lol 🙋🏻


3 days of radroacj content are 3 great days. Fight strong and hard, soilder


It's a really challenge but we are confident that you'll do an amazing job 👌🏼

James Pulley

You got this. Kick ass, excited for your creations.

sosuke Aizen

Good luck and don't wear yourself out to much.


Good luck


Sending positive vibes and best wishes your way Rad! 👊💪💪


you have all my energy good luck for the 3 days, it will be the fire


Sending you that spirit bomb energy 🙌


Not Gonna Lie always wanted to see you Team up with NYL for a bigger Project maybe even with another one like Amazonium or something like that would fit to :)


Yall are Amazing. Keep up the good work.


Pffft you got this bro 😎 3 days should be a cake walk


This is going to be the best daily animation challenge in the world! I already love Nyl for doing this, now there's so much cool and amazing artists participating! Can't wait to see! Remember to take little breaks, you got this my bro!

Jeremiah Bright

You got this 👍🏾👍🏾.


Sounds like a lot of fun, I love community projects!


Crazy thing is everyone made it through as well! 3 from each person totaling 24 animations total in 3 days. Tough but fun, and I think everyone enjoyed seeing what came from it :D


Yeah I was impressed when I saw just how many people were involved. You guys did a great job, can't wait to see what else you folks come up with.