Upcoming Animation Challenge?
- Do the Challenge/finish main animation right after 928
- Skip the Challenge/finish main animation few days sooner 403
An animation challenge event is coming up on the 21st-23rd of this month (for those who may not be familiar, it would be me trying to complete 1 animation a day, for 3 days in a row).
I want to leave it up to you guys to see if you prefer that I take part in it, or just work on the Tracer and Widowmaker animation until it's done.
Regardless of the winning option, I will be finishing that project as soon as possible, but the challenge would be my focus for 5 days, (1 day before to prep, 3 days of new animations, and 1 day (probably like half a day really) to catch back up on sleep).
If the majority of people prefer that I take part in the challenge this is what you could expect!
-Halloween themed for October
-Velma x Masked Futa Culprit
-Follow up poll to see what ideas or positions you'd like to see her in
As always thanks so much for the support, I really thought it'd be the best call to know and do what you'd prefer ^^