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I was thinking of no longer doing the request sketches, but instead keeping the offer up for $5 tier patrons to instead request i color and/or shade a sketch i've already done of their choice (i actually offer this as an alternative choice for commissions, but all i ask in this case is, you know, your continued support). 

Oh and also do the second place winner each month, but this one will be exclusive to $5 tier patrons unlike the first place winner.

Are those good trade-offs? let me know what you think or if i have to switch the first place with the second place or something. 

Edit: OH almost forgot. I'll also ask $5 tier patrons for characters for the character poll.
and a thing that will affect everyone is that i'll keep doing the character poll the way i did it this month. that being that you can vote for multiple choices. i feel that's a good move and more flexible for everyone.

(I do this cuz i can't shake the feeling that the $5 tier can sometimes be a bit uhh underwhelming, i think)



I think that’s a good idea yea


I'm iffy on the whole coloring thing. It's always going to be dependent on the existence of uncolored sketches people want to see colored, for one. Second, I personally would have a hard time coming up with such sketches without going back through all your older artwork to find something, which takes some time and effort, which I may or may not be willing to spend depending on how I'm feeling at the time. I'd probably request a few, but I'd likely run out of ones I wanted before the year is even through. Most importantly, though, you said you only got one person taking up your offer last time you made it. With that being the case, it tells me that not a lot of patrons were really interested in it. I'm not sure how well it would work as a reward replacing the existing monthly requests if less people will take you up on it. I do like the idea of doing the second place poll winners, though. However, given you have separate polls for character and expansion type, you need to be careful how you do second place on that, as there's no guarantee there would be the same amount of overlap between second place character voters and second place expansion voters as there would be for first place. You might end up giving second place the character they wanted but with an expansion type they either don't care for or actively dislike. I'd say you could do a second poll for second place's expansion, 5$ tier only, but then that has a good chance of the first place voters among that tier to just win again. Maybe since it's for the $5-up tier, you could do two expansion pics for second place, like first and second place expansion winners or something. I don't know, it depends on how you feel about doing the extra work. Also, I think second place does need to be the one for $5 patrons, because probability dictates most of the lower amount patrons will have voted for the first place winner, and it seems cruel to ask them to pay more for the piece most of them wanted, especially when you've been giving that to them already. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe you could do four pics from the polls, the four possible combinations of first and second place from each poll, instead of sketch/color requests, and then put two or three of them exclusive to 5$ tier. That way, you're giving more patrons the options they wanted to see, possibly give them bonus art they like, they don't need to come up with a request or previous sketch they want to see you do (and thus you're not reliant on patrons coming up with ideas for your reward material), and 5$ patrons are rewarded more fairly, as right now the only ones rewarded are the ones able and willing to make requests.


I think having two poll winners is a good idea but maybe if there's two poll winners it'd be fair to have second place's kink go on a cooldown as well between the months and for the color and/or shade of sketch sounds nice but maybe there could be an Imgur gallery link or something to show all the available choices.