Reading List #2 (Patreon)
1) The History of Outlawing Abortion in America- Livia Gershon (03/10/17)
-With the recent news that abortions after 20 weeks have been outlawed, I think talking about how abortion has been politicized is important. Did you know that the first abortion laws in the 19th century happened because white Americans were afraid of immigrants becoming the majority? Doesn't that sound familiar? If you want the full journal article that this short article is based on (and have JSTOR access), click here.
-Read Length: Medium
2) History of Burlesque- Whores of Yore
-One of my favorite aspects of history to study is sexuality. In this article, you'll get a brief introduction on how burlesque started and evolved into stripping.
-Read Length: Short
3) How the Brietbart Machine Laundered White Hate- Joseph Bernstein 10/5/17
You probably saw this Buzzfeed article being retweeted on your timeline this week. While I personally believe the author gives Milo Yiannopoulis, Steve Bannon, the Mercers, and the rest of the Nazi Brietbart crew TOO MUCH credit in popularizing ideas that were already popular here.... the investigative journalism revealed some surprises and painted a bleak future for propaganda and media.
Read Length: Long
4) The Coming Software Apocalypse- James Somers (9/26/17)
This article put into perspective how much we rely on coding in our daily lives- and what danger that poses.
Read Length: Long
5) Black-White Wage Gap Grows As Americans Remain in Denial- Tom Jacobs 9/18/2017
In addition to looking out for a JSYK video on the topic (new content releases this Wednesday), read this short article on how the wealth gap continues to widen. We need to stop being bedazzled by celebrity and wealth culture that most of us will NEVER be apart of. We need to see that a caste system is being sharpened in our country.
Read Length: Short
6) Karl Alexander's Decades Long Study Shows the Long Shadow of a Poor Start-Gabriel Popkin (Winter 2014)
I love my black people, but I hate when a wealthy or privileged black person claims that any of us can get ahead with hard work and sleepless nights. This 30 year study showed that ones starting environment is a pretty good predictor of social mobility. Its disheartening, but I'd rather know the system than to pretend it doesn't exist.
Read Length: Long
7) The Sanitizing of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks -Jeremy Scahill (10/8/2017)
A lot of America's reluctant "respect" for the civil rights movement is rooted in respectability politics. Ever wondered why protesters of the present are always told to act like their mid-twentieth century predecessors?
Read Length: Long