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I started on making Ryona content back when I actually enjoying those kind of content, thanks to Ryona Guy back then that helped me grew a lot till this day. I simply makes videos out of a pure joy & fun, at first. Trying to make some friends in that community. But things are getting out of hand when random stranger starts absolutely spamming me to make videos ,that to my account ,not really the content I was interest on making in the first place. People tries to talk nice to me just to get me to do their requests ,telling their request are better made because "he's ugly" "he's hotter" kind of bullshit and I do hate that type of people.

I'm losing motivation to do it more & more, and thought, why not just make Patreon, so I could be more motivated and less people spamming since I doubt much will make a support. But eventually, after it's up & down with Patreon for a few years, I got it running somehow smoothly even tho it's started to getting more complicated with each requests. I tend to take requests quickly, in hope I could have a couple of days break before taking more requests. But now, I notice some patrons are very diligent on making request right after I'm done publishing their request. This annoys me a lot, but I do need the money, so eventually I come with a term with scheduling post days after I made them based on patron tier. To make the current income & tier more balance for me to handle.

I never hope to make a living out of creating this sort of content, and since my first ever dream job is to be a cartoonist or artist, but with neglection & overall, I've stopped drawing a very long time ago .People only come to me for my Ryona content on sosmed like Twitter etc, so if that's how things going to get, I definitely will need more income to supports me for a living. That's why, I was thinking on monetizining my youtube channel. Not sure if with this content is possible or not (Definitely not with MK content since it's an instant red flag on youtube). With my channel currently only needing more watched time. I may started to set somewhat old patreon videos to public to get that watch times. And even after all criteria is done, I'm still not a 100% sure they'll accept it with this content I'm making. 

I still, sometimes enjoyed Kemoryona & Gyakuryona stuff, but hardly find anything that suffice me. With the latest installment on games ,can't say i'm not disappointed while everybody's excited. Cause let's admit it, we have a very different standards like ocean & space;) But that's alright, not gonna force my opinion on anybody.

So yeah, that's it for now. It's been a while since I post long rant like this stuff, if you read this then thanks. I appreciate the supports that I got till now, But in this sort of times, I definitely more just to surpass a month. And for people who never read what I posted, understandable "have a nice day".




I would say to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. You don't need to add any stress on yourself and pressuring yourself. Whatever works best for you, especially what will help you financially and happy at the same time, find that road. I can't speak for every single person, but I know there are those who appreciate what you do and provide for us. I'll support you every step of the way as best as I can for you Bara.


It's still a job I need to make a bit of income to pass a month. Considering I got not much options left. But I just want to make all of this efforts somewhat enjoyable for both sides. But really ,thankyou for still supporting me for this long.


Sorry that I haven’t been responding to these types of posts, I’ve seen them but just didn’t know what to say most of the time. I hope you’ll feel better about what you do. I remember when I first saw your art and the Soul Calibur character creations, I’d love to see your ocs more.